The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International of Timaru presents another night of healing meeting on November 6 – 7:30 PM at the Caroline Bay Community Lounge, Timaru.
FGBMFI Timaru has Michael Johnstone as their speaker.

Michael is married with 4 adult children. He has been walking with the Lord for 33 years now.
He gave his life to the Lord Jesus at the Timaru New Life Centre where he was set free from a life of drug and alcohol addiction.
He has been a businessman in the forest industry as a logging contractor for 39 years.
Over the years he has had the privilege of praying for and seeing many people in the name of Jesus, being set free from all types of bondage that have stopped them from walking freely with the Lord.
God has given Michael the gifts of the prophetic and teaching ministries, among others, and has opened doors for these gifts to be used both here in New Zealand and overseas.
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