We gathered greetings and tributes on Dr. Acanto’s 85th birthday from some Centralians who had worked with him during his term as president of Central Philippine University.
This post is our way of celebrating and remembering a wonderful person known to many as either Sir, Manong, Manoy, Tatay, Uncle, Maninoy, etc.
We celebrate you!

On the occasion of your 85th birthday–Dr. Juanito Acanto: We celebrate YOU.
You have gifts that you have generously given to the CPU world and beyond.
You have blessings that others received and continue to receive through you.
Our Lord looks at you and loves you, and others look at you and love you because they see Christ in you.
You are special, and the world is blessed to have you in it. Thank you for being a huge part of my world.
May you be blessed with God’s perfect gifts on your birthday. Happy birthday!
– pearl (perla guillergan waters)
Thank you for inspiring us to be our best!
Sir Acanto is one of the many that I keep in my heart who is very special.
Working with him at the Office of the President from 2001 to 2006 was a great experience.
As John C. Maxwell said, “ The best way a mentor can prepare another leader is to expose him or her to other great people.” Sir Acanto did this for me, and it had a huge impact on my chosen path!
He leads by example, encouraging me to do the right thing. I have lots of good laughs and wonderful memories to look back.
He is a positive thinker who would naturally win every challenge with his cheerful smile. Another year has been added, and I am blessed to have been a part of his life.
I pray that the Lord will continue to give him more wisdom, multiply his days and add more years to his life.
Happy happy birthday, Sir! Thank you for inspiring us to be our best!
Inspiring, helpful, and supportive
Praise God for this day that you can celebrate your birthday. Thank you, Sir, for the wonderful opportunity to have worked with you when you were President of our beloved Central Philippine University.
I am grateful to have an inspiring boss like you. You are not only a boss but also a friend and a father to all of us at the University, and you are willing to extend your help and support.
Thank you for the moments when I have joined your family for a vacation in Baguio to share the joy of togetherness.
May this day be full of happiness and a year of good health for you and your family. God bless! Again happy birthday to a nice person like you.
Juanito M. Acanto: Builder of Trust
During the Presidency of Dr. Juanito M. Acanto, I was appointed as OIC and later Director of the newly created Office for Student Affairs. I have been serving the university as a Chaplain for several years.
Being a pastor, I have to readjust myself to the new sets of obligations and responsibilities and view the task as a director of student affairs with caution and legality of perspective. The challenges were numerous.
Dr. Acanto being a former judge, a politician, a practicing lawyer, and an administrator, said to me when I finally decided to accept the new office: “I trust you that you can deliver.”
Few things that I would like to underscore as I reflect on the life and works of Dr. Acanto.
1. He built trust and credibility.
Dr. Acanto built trust in the heart of every worker of CPU. His trust in your shoulder is the same trust that the institution has placed in every staff and faculty.
The trust that Dr. Acanto would usually articulate is a symbiotic trust within and among all of us. Out of these experiences, credibility was being developed, which made you as a worker of CPU a credible person and, in effect, enhanced the credibility of the institution you are in.
2. He gathered good-natured persons and connected with people emotionally.
Dr. Acanto is not only guided by principles and doctrines of law, but he dwelt on an emotional level. One of the many observations that I have derived from his leadership style was that he could easily connect with you on the level of intuitions and feelings, but this does not mean that he is a subjective person.
The direct significance of this act of Dr. Acanto is that he can empathize with you in your fears and hang up, and because he can connect with you on the emotional level, you can feel that someone, like him, is listening to you.
He listens to you not only from the intellectual level. This quality makes him a relational person and administrator, and above all, he collected good nature from people.
3. He heightened influence and persuasiveness.
Dr. Acanto did not only see his importance as an administrator but also the importance of others in the workplace and community. He would always point out that in our work of influence, we use our position in the university for the good of the students and the institution.
To enhance our influence, we have to add persuasion to give more impact. This is one of the intentions of Dr. Acanto that he did not only aspire for the academic performance of the university but that the campus would be “a place to behold.”
He built CPU’s personality in the person and work of Jesus Christ. During Dr. Acanto’s leadership, the Christian Emphasis Week Celebration was changed to Christ Emphasis Week Celebration. The importance of CEW is attributed to Christ and not to the Christian. For Dr. Acanto, the center of the celebration must be Jesus Christ.
His support for Campus ministry is worth mentioning. And even beyond the campus ministry, he supported the work of CPBC in many forms.
Another acronym that Dr. Acanto coined during his stint as CPU President is the line: Christ is Preached in the University (CPU).
– Melvin M. Mangana
You have inspired me to dream
I am so grateful that I was allowed to work as one of the student assistants during your time. I have learned a lot from you, and you have inspired me to dream.
And that dream has become a reality now. Your kind and warm words gave us strength.
Happy 85th Birthday Sir Acanto! We will always cherish you in our hearts!
Honest and inspiring service
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. Juanito Acanto, Third Filipino President, Central Philippine University.
I am always grateful to God for the opportunity of serving our beloved University under your watch.
May our loving God grant more productive years to inspire your family and serve His church and His people; good health to enable you to enjoy His gift of life, and; the vision to see things and fulfill them, by His grace, for the good of others.
Sir, at CPU, you have not only built structures made of iron and cement. You were a builder of men and women who have become servant leaders, like you, serving not self but for others.
As always, I thank you for your trust and confidence and for the learnings on how to deal with the complexities of an organization, precious lessons which I have taken to heart and have faithfully practiced where I am now.
Through your acts of honest and inspiring service, you have taught me what it means to love Central Philippine University truly.
To the best Boss, I ever had at CPU
My most memorable years as a CPU employee were under your administration.
You have been a gift to most of us.
May you have more blessed moments and wonderful birthdays to come.
Take care, Sir!
– peachic dominado
You are such a blessing
Dear Sir Juanito,
As your work student for three years in the President’s Office at CPU, you are a blessing to other students and me. Maybe you were not aware of this.
You are not just a University President but a dear father to all of us. It will never be enough if we say you are the best university president that CPU ever had.
And on your 85th birthday, Sir, I want to thank you and wish you good health.
Happiest Birthday, Sir Juaning, our smiling president. May you continue to be a blessing to all the people around you.
Visionary and servant leadership
The two qualities that set you apart from many others are your visionary and servant leadership.
It is a blessing and honor to have been able to work closely with you at the CPU President’s office. Thank you for your trust and confidence.
I have learned a lot from you through your actions, words of advice, and the value of treasured relationships. Until now, I still can recall clearly your words, “Nan, ang kabuhi, relasyon lang ini tanan.” I’m looking forward to writing more about your exemplary leadership.
Happy birthday, Sir Juaning! May the Lord God bless you and keep you, Maninay Ruth, and the whole family!
Happy 85th Birthday Sir Acanto!

I’m always grateful for the opportunity and trust you have given me during my stint at CPU in various capacities that culminated in assisting you and directing the Centennial Celebrations.
Your leadership and management style have allowed me to flourish and maximize my usefulness and life purpose.
Truly, I consider my service to you and my beloved Alma Mater as the golden years of my career life that deserve to be cherished for a lifetime.
Praying for God’s continuing faithfulness to your life and family.
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