And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace,
a message that is able to build you up and to give you
the inheritance among all who are sanctified. Acts 20:32
There is one letter I found from my father’s Christ the Only Way Movement files that reads like Paul encouraging Timothy to take courage and continue the ministry for Christ.
On 13 December 1972, Malvar Castillon received a letter of encouragement from Nene Ramientos about their work in the Christ the Only Way Movement.
Reading through it, I could feel the spirit of friendship and Christian brotherhood that pervaded in the ministry. Also, I could sense the passion in the Christian ministry of both the sender and receiver.
As you read the letter below, may you find inspiration to seek and share the gift of salvation that God has given through His son, Jesus Christ.
Very encouraging! I hope our Pastors nowadays still receive letters or spoken encouragements of this sort from their leaders, seniors, co-workers, or even church members. This serves as reminder for me as well as to other readers to be generous in giving encouragements. Thank you for posting this letter.