One cloudy afternoon, we decided to drive down the shingle beach at the eastern side of Timaru port to enjoy the beach and ocean view.
It’s the part of Timaru Port that we haven’t visited.
The gloomy cold afternoon did not discourage us for we’re excited to see the place.
The fact that you’re on the utmost edge of the city facing the deep open ocean, cold wind blowing strong and the waves beating the breakwater makes the event more exhilarating.
We went about exploring the area. We watched the flock of shags congregating at the calm part of the shingle bar.
Then my wife and our daughter found Goose Barnacles growing on a beached tree branch.
We didn’t know what they were until my wife searched the internet.
Goose barnacles are prized delicacy (Percebes) in the USA and Europe, particularly Spain and Portugal.
Located near us, there are many more things that we need to know and discover in Timaru Port or Caroline Bay Port.
We look forward to fishing here one of these days.
PHOTO CREDIT: Jewel Kwe Castillon
Freddy Panes
i think that they are edible. are they? maybe they can be cooked like mussels or tahong. what do you think. salamat guid jonan for the posts and dialogue. i feel an affinity maybe because we both serve a risen savior!
Jonan Castillon
Yes, they’re edible.