Recognising my sinfulness and the fact that I cannot do anything of my will and effort to cleanse me from all unrighteousness make Jesus Christ relevant and important.
As if my spirit was an old rusty and squeaky wheel in need of repair and replacement. And through the cleansing blood of Jesus, I am now redeemed, renewed and truly living.
Acknowledging my need for a Saviour, I found the answer to the question, “How can the death of Jesus Christ be the ransom for all?“
The lyrics of “He Look Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need” express my sentiments so well that I’m always touched listening and singing this song.
Amazing grace shall always be my song of praise,
for it was grace that brought my liberty;
I do not know just why He came to love me so,
He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
I shall forever life mine eyes to Calvary,
to view the cross where Jesus died for me,
how marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul;
He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
If you’re still wondering about the redeeming power of the cross, take time to reflect…see your sinfulness, repent, receive and believe that Jesus Christ is your only Saviour and Lord.
PHOTO CREDIT: Old Rusty Wheel by Ross Waugh
Amazing grace, my Savior Jesus died for me.