I wrote this song around March 1990 for the Youth Choir of Sambag Baptist Church, Sambag, Jaro, Iloilo City. At that time, several choir members were graduating from high school and university, and they shared their worries about their future and what would happen next.
The stanzas describe their worries. The chorus assures them not to fear the future, for goodness awaits those who trust God’s love.
The song lyrics were written in the 0ld Hiligaynon language. Some of the terms are spoken rarely in the present Hiligaynon discourse. These words can only be read in older Hiligaynon Bible and hymn translations.
Below is the English translation of some Hiligaynon words used in the song:
- tuytuy – guide
- nagakahangawa – worried; concerned
- makapat-od sang madangatan – sure of what would happen
- kapaslawan – failure
- alibutod sang kasing-kasing – core of the heart
- buas-damlag – future; tomorrow
The song’s lyrics
Nagakahangawa ka sang mahimo nga matabo
Indi ikaw makapat-od sang madangatan mo
Kadalag-an ukon kapaslawan ang nagahulat?
Nagatinguha ka nga malab-ot mga ginahandum mo
Apang sa alibutod sang kasing-kasing ikaw ‘gaduha-duha
Kadalag-an ukon kapaslawan ang nagahulat?
Kun ikaw may pagsalig, sa gugma sang Ginoo
Indi ka magkahadlok sang buas-damlag mo
Tungod may nagahulat mga pagpakamaayo
Kun ikaw nagasalig sa gugma sang Ginoo.
Sa imo pagsalig sa gahum sang Ginoo Ang buas mapat-od mo
Sa imo pagtuman sang kasulatan Si Hesus ang tuytuy mo
W’ay sang kahadlukan si Hesus ang kaupod mo.
Kun ikaw may pagsalig, sa gugma sang Ginoo
Indi ka magkahadlok sang buas-damlag mo
Tungod may nagahulat mga pagpakamaayo
Kun ikaw nagasalig sa gugma sang Ginoo.
“Sa Gugma Sang Ginoo” has become the favourite song of assurance of Creekside Baptist Church and Sambag Baptist Church members.
Now all grown up, mature, and successful, the young people who first learned and sang “Sa Gugma Sang Ginoo” in 1990 have a story to tell and a song to teach the next batch of youth in the church.
[…] Pagkalinga ng Diyos” is the translation of “Sa Gugma sang Ginoo” in the Tagalog […]