Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Romans 15:7
Early one morning, when I went beach walking at Caroline Bay, I was surprised to see a spoonbill joining a group of seagulls.
They were foraging on the shallow tide for small fish, clams, and whatever the sea would provide.
The royal spoonbill bird is considered “naturally uncommon” and the only spoonbill species (of six worldwide) that breeds in New Zealand.
New Zealand Birds mentions that spoonbills have been visitors to New Zealand before European settlers recorded sitings. They abound in Australia but can be found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and some southwestern Pacific islands.
Usually found in estuaries nearby, I’m surprised this lone spoonbill found its way to Caroline Bay and enjoyed the fellowship of other mainstay birds.
We are familiar with the saying, “Birds of the same feather flock together”, and its punny equivalent quote, “Birds of the same feather, pluck each other”.
On that early morning, the flock of birds I saw were not ‘plucking’ each other.
They were quietly walking in the shallows, in harmony with the morning’s stillness and the calm, steady beat of the surf.

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Romans 15:7
In meditating on the verse, I did not only think of people immigrating to a new country. I also thought of people who differed from my views and beliefs.
Like the spoonbill joining the resident birds of Caroline Bay in peace, sharing the shore’s bounty, we all can welcome one another, enjoy one another, and share the blessings that the Lord God has provided for all.
Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God.

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