Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
Mark 13:33
Have you thought and realized that the little time we are spending with God would matter big time when suddenly all else fails?

We grow up in a society where achieving a prosperous life means working hard and earning high.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with it because we need to work hard and earn a living.
The issue is more on spending almost all of our time on what we thought were the essentials of a good life to the point that we even compromise the two hours we spend for Sunday worship.
Often, going to church on Sunday for even a short moment of worshipping God is a struggle for some of us.
If not, we see it only as fulfilling an obligation, but our heart is not really into it.
Many don’t realize having quiet time with God is essential. Maybe some know, but they never get to do it regularly.
Some people woke up in comfort, have everything in life, business and career very successful, and the need to worship God is irrelevant anymore.
While doing online writing back in the Philippines, I recalled one of my clients who, after knowing I’m a pastor, expressed that he doesn’t believe in God.
A month later, a strong earthquake hit their city, and devastation was widespread.
Chatting through Skype the day after the earthquake, I read his message requesting prayers as they go through the calamity that struck their place.
I have read stories of how people who have forsaken God. They never gave time to commit their lives to Him.
Suddenly, they find themselves amid trials. Then, that little time they spent in faithful worship and service, they hang on to it for sanity and survival.
Yes, let’s not neglect the little time we give in communing with God because I’m sure it will matter significantly when trials come.
If two hours every Sunday is the only time you can spend with God, please ensure that it’s the best and most precious time you can give.
You might not be aware or believe, but your existence hangs on that thin thread of time you spend with God.
Don’t wait for calamities before you treasure your time with God. Make it matter now before your time in this world runs out.
As the Scripture says, we do not know when that time will come, so we need to be on guard and alert.
What do you think hinders people from spending a great time with God? Please post a comment below. Thank you!
PHOTOS: Claphams National Clock Museum by Jade Mark Jarbadan
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