“I’m not sure if I made the right decision. There are many uncertainties, and the road ahead is unclear.”
Have you heard somebody talking like this?
Have you experienced being in a situation where you see your future isn’t straightforward and don’t know what lies ahead?
Whenever I hear somebody talking about taking a step of faith and facing uncertainties, the image of a car travelling through a foggy highway comes to mind.

To someone who hasn’t driven through the fog before, the tendency is to stop and discontinue the journey upon seeing the hazy clouds wrapping the road ahead.
If you’re a passenger and it’s your first time seeing the foggy road from a distance, you’d probably ask the driver to stop.
However, for the experienced traveller, the first tendency is to come near or drive near the foggy area to assess how thick (or thin) the haze is.
The foggy road’s visibility isn’t bad compared to judging it from a distance.
And most of us know that the foggy highway is only a portion of the journey.
The road is clear ahead, and we only need to keep moving forward.
The point of the analogy is that when we face uncertainties, we need not stop and be dismayed.
Instead, we must continue to move forward carefully and come near as much as possible to examine the uncertainty we face while continuously and carefully moving.

After Moses’ death, Joshua faced the enormous responsibility of bringing the Israelites across the Jordan River and into the promised land.
The LORD spoke to Joshua, concluding with this verse in Joshua 1:9 –
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
We also learned that Joshua sent out spies to know more about Jericho. He also sent the ark of the covenant of the Lord God ahead and told the people to follow it.
Indeed, the Lord God will always be with us, guiding us through life’s uncertainties. We shouldn’t stop and allow fear or life’s uncertainties to envelop and immobilise us.
The Lord God will help and guide you along the way, despite how hard and foggy the path may be, and you only see what’s in front of you.

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