Recognising my sinfulness and the fact that I cannot do anything of my will and effort to cleanse me from all unrighteousness make Jesus Christ relevant and important. As …
South Canterbury – Tell a Friend Best Family Group Entry
Thank you! Our family is grateful for the award that the South Canterbury - Tell a Friend contest organizers gave. The prizes are just awesome. Joining the …
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Listen to the Sea
By Placido B. Matta Have you ever been to a sand bar Listening, watching wavelets caress the sandy shore? I have - And heard the gentle voice of God. Or, Heard the roar …
Jesus Christ is Risen Indeed and In Deed
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain the …
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How Can the Death of the One Jesus Christ be Redemption for All?
Why the crucifixion of Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago has relevance and an important impact on our lives today? How can the death of the one Jesus Christ be …
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Jadyn’s Short Story Published in Waimataitai School Newsletter
We are so happy to see Jadyn finding joy in writing. Since she learned how to read and write, she just love to write stories. To inspire her passion and publish her art work, …
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