The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7

Once, I heard a work colleague singing the first four lines of the chorus of “I Am A Friend Of God” with the lyrics below.
I am afraid of God
I am afraid of God
I am afraid of God
He calls me friend!
The correct word in the lyrics should have been “friend” instead of “afraid.”
Whether my colleague didn’t hear the lyrics correctly or intentionally used ” afraid, ” I did not correct him.
I believe the theological meaning of “afraid” is more robust than “friend.” Often, we easily disagree with a friend or never heed good, friendly advice.
I realized that when we genuinely fear the LORD, we are bound to obey Him. There is depth in fear and reverence.

The fear of God goes beyond a surface-level understanding of friendship.
While being a friend of God is indeed a privilege and a blessing, it is essential to recognize that the fear of God carries a more profound significance.
Some of the blessings we avail when we truly fear the LORD are explained more in the following paragraphs.
1. “Fear of God” – faith’s foundational principle
The Bible often emphasizes that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7).
This fear is a foundational principle and motivates us to seek God’s understanding, wisdom, and guidance. It humbles us and acknowledges His authority over our lives.
2. Reverence for His Holiness
The fear of God acknowledges His holiness and righteousness. Through this reverence, we recognize and respect His divine attributes and supremacy.
This healthy fear instils in us a desire to live in a manner that pleases Him, avoiding actions that may dishonour His name.
3. Obedience and proper alignment
When we fear God, we align ourselves with His will and submit to His authority. It prompts us to obey His commandments and seek His guidance in all aspects of life.
This fear acts as a guiding force, leading us away from sinful paths and towards a life of righteousness.
We are bound and dare to tell the truth because we fear God’s wrath if dishonest. We are also passionate about His justice and righteousness.
4. Discernment and discipleship
When we fear God, we discern what’s right and wrong. Having a healthy fear of God enables us to distinguish between right and wrong, guiding us to make righteous choices.
It encourages us to walk in the path of wisdom and receive discipline from God, leading to personal growth, humility, and spiritual maturity.
5. Reverential awe and worship
The fear of God fosters a sense of awe and wonder in our worship. It helps us recognize His majesty, goodness, and mercy, evoking deep reverence and adoration for Him.
This fear motivates us to worship Him wholeheartedly and seek a close and intimate relationship with Him.
It is not to say that being a friend of God is insignificant or less important.
However, the fear of God encompasses a deeper understanding of His character and our relationship with Him.
Our fearing God is a foundation for a genuine and transformative friendship with God.
When we fear God, we fear doing things that will dishonour Him, which is the best blessing we can ever have.
Truly, indeed.Fear of the Lord gives humility and obeying His will. Thank you, pastor..
Thank you.
My fear of Lord when I was young was He will punish me!
But as I’m getting older, I start to realize that I fear to hurt or disappoint Him just like how u afraid to your love one. As God so love me unconditionally, it just not worth it to do silly things!
I could relate with your experience. Thank you for sharing.
I love how Jesus define the “Fear” of the Lord.
Jesus says “Worship the Lord and serve Him only”
“Away from me, Satan!
For it is written:
‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'”
– Matthew 4:10
wait.. where did Jesus got that verse?
“Fear the LORD your God and serve him”
– Deuteronomy 10:20
Jesus’ definition of Fear is Worship! amazing!
– grace and peace
Thank you for the added insights.